Dynamic holograms, a revolution
2010/12/01 Elhuyar Zientzia Iturria: Elhuyar aldizkaria
Physicists at the University of Arizona have opened the possibility of carrying out variable holograms by developing a photurmeric polymer screen. According to experts, this material is a revolution in the field of holograms, since the image shown can be renewed every two seconds; it is the same idea as the frames of a film, although for the moment the frequency of renovation is too low to talk about films.
Holograms are used in everyday life, for example, on credit cards in a static way. Many have the effect of three-dimensional photos, to achieve it, instead of taking advantage of the light reflected by the objects represented, use the interference of the reflections of the light of two lasers. Arizona physicists say that the information of these interferences can be digitized and sent remotely, so that with the new material, three-dimensional television broadcasts can be created if they can increase the frequency of renewal of holograms.

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