
Monthly injection, as effective as daily pills against AIDS

2018/08/28 Galarraga Aiestaran, Ana - Elhuyar Zientzia Iturria: Elhuyar aldizkaria

Ed. From file

Instead of daily pills to remove HIV from blood circulation and prevent transmission, in the future a monthly injection may be sufficient. This has led to the conclusion of a study carried out over 48 weeks with 618 people from 13 countries. It is reported that the efficacy of the injection has been similar to that of the pill.

The company ViiV Healthcare is developing the injection (created by pharmaceutical companies GlaxoSmithKlin and Pfizer) and has an experimental medicine (cabotegravirra) and another already tested (rilpivirin). III clinical tests. The injection is in phase; in the same phase there are other antiretrovirals and lucidal action pills.

It is interesting to replace daily pills, as 30% of those that take them have some problem to take the pill every day. However, they still have to dismiss the injection to answer questions like cost, who will put the injection, what will happen if they do not take a dose…