
Name and being of Higgs

2013/05/03 Galarraga Aiestaran, Ana - Elhuyar Zientzia

The Higgs boson, then. This was declared last year, from CERN to the whole world, between applause and expressions of joy. In any case, scientists were cautious and under the shocking headlines, in a small letter, they said the results were provisional and that they should continue to study the data to have total safety.

Thus, in March, those responsible for the CERN reappeared before the press to say yes, that they analyzed the double and a half of data that in the presentation of last year, and that this particle resembled the Higgs boson.

Despite the apparent magnitude, they did not dare to say that the Higgs boson was the same. Even the possibility was admitted that the particle detected was not the Higgs boson that predicts the Standard Model, but the lighter of several bosons that predict other theories. That is, it will be, but they are not completely sure what it is.

Meanwhile, between advertisements and claims, we have learned the name. But now the name has also been put into question by some, including the physicist Carl Haggen. In fact, Haggen and four other physicists (Francois Englert, Gerald Guralnik, Tom Kibble and Robert Brout) did the same work as Higgs to define the basic particle of the Standard Model and, to some extent, the rest of physicists recognized it in this last year's proclamation, all of them in front of the cameras.

However, the particle bears the name of one, and was only applauded to the owner of it, and only she has been cited in the bets of being Nobel Prize in Physics. All this does not seem fair to Hagen: "The registration of a private person implies the exclusion of others."

Normally, when they announce a new particle, it is called the theoretical physicists who have done that work. In the case of unexpected particles, it is named by experimental researchers who have found it. Examples of this are quarka and neutron, respectively.

This boson advertiser of the Standard Model has had several names. Among other things, they have called it “cursed particle” (the goddamn particle) because it has been difficult to detect and is being. Later, this name has become "particle of god" or "divine particle" (the god particle), since some publishers did not find it appropriate to call themselves "cursed."

Apart from demons and gods, some have tried to create a name by taking into account the names of all who did a theoretical job to predict the boson, but it is difficult. The acronyms have not given good results either, the most successful option is BEHGHK and has not been successful.

Thus things, in a major physics conference recently held, researchers have decided to convene the Boson SM Scalar and Hagen has proposed to convene SM Squared. However, many scientists believe it is too late to change the name.

And beyond the name, what can happen with the Nobel Prize is for many a source of concern. In fact, it is very widespread that soon the Novel is given to the advertisers of the essential particle. But a maximum of three physicists can be awarded in the same year and five of the six physicists who did their theoretical work are alive. Despite the difficult decision, they will not be able to prolong much, since all have about 80 years. See if you have already agreed the name!



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