New technique to walk the hemiplegic
2002/12/01 Elhuyar Zientzia Iturria: Elhuyar aldizkaria

Hemiplegia can be one of the consequences of a stroke. Paralyzing a part of the body causes the ability to walk to be lost. A group of scientists from the Hokkaido University of Japan has developed a new method to recover this capacity.
The system they invented is very simple. In the leg that the patient can move, a sensor is placed that collects nerve impulses. Also, in the paralyzed leg there are electrodes that collect signals sent by the sensor and send them to the muscles. Thus, the same signs that healthy legs reach the paralyzed leg and the patient can regain the ability to move that leg.
They say that with the new system a better coordination between both legs is achieved and it is more advantageous for the patient because he does not have to think about sending the signal.

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