
Book on migrations of birds, ecology, physiology and ethology

1997/02/01 Elhuyar Zientzia Iturria: Elhuyar aldizkaria

CAF-Elhuyar III. Prize. 1st Prize Outreach Books. Jon Larrañaga Biologist.

CAF-Elhuyar III. Prize. 1st Prize Outreach Books.

Jon Larrañaga


How important is the first prize in science books for you?

To begin with, it serves me to think that the two-year work has served something. Two years ago I began collecting bibliography and taking the first notes on the subject. Since then I have spent two years turning around this subject and at least it has served for something. It seems that people liked my work and therefore I am happy.

We have seen that it is a great book. In short, what is, if possible, the essence of your book “Migrations of birds, ecology, physiology and ethology”?

I have tried to analyze bird migrations in general. Until now there were in the Basque Country leaflets elaborated in Basque on this subject, but only the migrations in Euskal Herria were analyzed, at what time the birds passed through Euskal Herria, etc. I have tried to analyze migrations in general, I have explained in the book the characteristics of any kind of bird. However, I have tried to be as close as possible to the Basques and to achieve this closeness I have selected examples of Euskal Herria or its surroundings.

Since the topic is so broad, what sections will the reader find?

To begin with, I have explained what it is to migrate to the entrance and why birds migrate. The entry also includes a lot of information on migration research methods. From there I have gradually deepened the issue of migration. I have explained the different types of migrations, analyzing where birds migrate and why they migrate. Some follow very concrete paths and others do not follow a concrete path. Birds, while migrating, fly in different ways, which I have also mentioned. Some fly planning, others wing-up, some in groups, others alone...

The truth is that this is the thickest part, even if it is not my intention. However, I have loved studying how birds fly during migration and have tried to make a mixture of physics and physiology. Before starting the migration the birds do a special training and I have explained these preparations. Before starting the flight they eat more and fattened to store energy. They also change the feathers to keep the wings ready. In addition to training, orientation and navigation are of great importance in birds. Although we do not know much about these two elements, the scarce information available is found in the book.

What obstacles have you encountered when doing your job?

The search for bibliography has been difficult. As I am not from any university, I have had to look for all the information on my own. All the most cutting-edge bibliography is, of course, in English. I had to order many books by mail. On vacation I went to England several times and used my trips to find books.

He has written a complete book on bird migration. Do migrations have great importance in birds?

I don't think migrations are more important in birds than in other animals. However, more birds migrate than those that do not migrate and in the rest of animals the opposite occurs. Birds have great mobility, have the ability to fly and probably that's why they migrate more easily. Consequently, migration is of paramount importance for migrating birds and, instead, for migrating birds, it has no incidence.

Migrations of birds are also very varied. Some travel a few hours or days and others, except for two or three months of season, spend all the time migrating. The truth is that I have called migration to all movements from one place to another, but there are biologists who do not consider migration any change of place. 1.

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