
New techniques for repairing aircraft structures

2001/05/01 Elhuyar Zientzia Iturria: Elhuyar aldizkaria

Recently, two damage detection techniques have been found in the aircraft components. On the one hand, the technique developed at the University of Bath. A piezoelectric transducer generates an ultrasound beam that is passed through the material to be analyzed.

Then, an ultrasound-sensitive acoustic and optical meter reports the possible damage of the analysed structure. On the other hand, an infrared camera has been used at the University of Technology Nanyang in Singapore to measure the surface temperature of the wave that crosses the material.

This technique allows detecting subsurface defects in polymers reinforced with carbon fiber. At present, aircraft are constructed with less and less weight materials, such as polymers reinforced with carbon fiber or glass. Therefore, it is necessary to look for techniques that allow to analyze these materials.

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