
Gaiter for the Alzheimer's vaccine

2003/07/01 Elhuyar Zientzia Iturria: Elhuyar aldizkaria

According to new studies, the previously discarded Alzheimer's vaccine may be useful. First of all, some changes will have to be made in the vaccine to avoid the side effects it produces.

Initial expectations for the vaccine were thwarted in January 2002. In fact, brain inflammation appeared in some patients participating in the clinical session. The vaccine tests were therefore suspended.

Recently the Swiss University of Zurich provided the data of some of the participants in these tests. It seems that the situation of two out of three has not worsened as expected, and some now have better memory than before starting the tests. Researchers have not analyzed all participants, so it is not yet known to what extent the vaccine benefits. But at least it seems that a gap has opened for hope.

Now they have to guess how to remove the inflammatory component of the vaccine, without affecting the part that produces antibodies that prevent the formation of plaques characteristic of the disease.

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