
There is missing the matter

2005/03/01 Elhuyar Zientzia Iturria: Elhuyar aldizkaria

Using data from NASA's Chandra X Ray Observatory, a material has been located that shows the existence of the theory but has not yet been able to be seen.


Only part of the matter of the universe is stored in stars and galaxies, many others have been seen in cold mists. But about half of the matter has not been seen. They suspected it would be open in space and solve the doubt. Part of this material has been detected in hot mists by X-rays. Markarian's discovery has been made through the energy jets that the active black hole of the galaxy 421 emits to Earth.

According to the researchers, there is still much matter that the force of gravity has not attracted galaxies, a matter that is a hot gas that forms a kind of network in space. And a part of this network has been seen thanks to X-rays.