
Ten new species on the Podium 2007

2008/06/02 Roa Zubia, Guillermo - Elhuyar Zientzia

Every year biologists find around 17,000 new species. Among those of last year, a group of international experts have highlighted ten at the University of Arizona's International Institute for Species Exploration. They have chosen to submit the list on May 23. This date is not random; the father of the classification of living beings, the Swedish biologist Carl Lineo, was born that day in 1707. The ten species selected are an electric ray, a duck-shaped dinosaur (a fossil), a deer, a rare frog, a poisonous serpent, a bat fruiter (as seen in the photo), a fungus, a moka, a jet of rhino and a plant, which houses the volume of Panin. The individualized explanation is available on the website: VID

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