The smallest fans
2002/02/01 Elhuyar Zientzia Iturria: Elhuyar aldizkaria

According to experts, the chips of future computers will be enormously small and on that surface many circuits will be stored, with the consequent risk of overheating. To avoid this, new cooling systems must be invented, since excess heat, in addition to reducing the efficiency of the chips, can cause a deterioration of the circuits.
Current computers and mobile phones increasingly have less space to introduce conventional fans. Purdue University engineers invent a system that increases fan efficiency. This device has a shovel that periodically moves like Chinese fans and is able to reduce the temperature inside a computer to 8ºC.
The blades are attached to a ceramic piece. When putting the electricity the ceramic expands and moves the shovel from side to side, with the alternating current moves the shovel from side to side. Lacking friction gears, it consumes 150 times less energy than conventional fans. It seems that blade fans with hair diameter length can be used in future computers.

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