
Everyone's wish: to continue working 25 more years

1997/12/01 Irureta Azkune, Onintza Iturria: Elhuyar aldizkaria

It has been 25 years since Elhuyar sowed the seed. The harvest has been rich and to celebrate the silver wedding, on October 31, everyone who approached the group during these years met at the Miramar Palace in San Sebastian.
Juanjo Gabiña and Antony Hewish.

Professors and students from the School of Engineers of San Sebastian have spent 25 years since they met at the Jesuit headquarters on Saturdays. They were vascophiles and wanted Basque to have a place in science as well. 25 years and easy to say. More than a hundred people gathered at the Miramar Palace in Donostia-San Sebastian to celebrate their silver wedding and congratulate everyone for their work.

Mrs. Hewish and Genevieve Sala.

At the 25-year celebration, the star was Nobel Prize winner Antony Hewish, who told us about the past, present and future of the Universe. However, before a man fascinated by astronomy stirred the universe from within, his diners had the word.

Elhuyar's president, Inaki Irazabalbeitia, received the word from Pili Calzada. He thanked all the organizations and people who have collaborated for 25 years thanks to which Elhuyar is alive. The creator also did not forget and congratulated these, “because they launched their crazy dream and what at one time seemed impossible to undertake, they have made it a reality and that dream is today a solid reality”.

Pedro Miguel Etxenike, Juanjo Gabiña, Antony Hewish and Hewish.

In addition to looking at the past, Irazabalbeitia ended her talk with: “Agents of Basque culture and cultural authorities have the challenge of making our entire society aware of the strategy of daily cultural activity. In that sense, Elhuyar will collaborate and reflect.”

The Minister of Culture of the Basque Government, Mari Karmen Garmendia, followed Irazabalbeitia and recognized that “although in small proportions I feel part of the silver wedding, since through my husband I knew the meetings of Saturday of Elhuyar and I knew the magazine”.

Itziar Nogeras (son in arms), Iker Etxebeste and Olatz Rico. (EKAITZ).

The Minister of Culture addressed Elhuyar: “You have denied what Unamuno, Suárez and many others have repeated, because you have shown that Basque is capable of doing physics, chemistry, new technologies… like any other language. Whoever has advanced 25 years on the slope will go ahead.”

The next diner, Pantxoa Etxegoin, director of Euskal Kultur Erakundea, explained that the section of Elhuyar and the objectives of EKE are not the same, but stressed that “there is no doubt that we have to know ourselves better and establish strong links with power”. According to Elhuyar, Basque is not only the language of the baserritarras, and Basque is used for scientific communication.

On the occasion of the celebration of the 25 years of Elhuyar, Pedro Miguel Etxenike, Professor at the University of the Basque Country, presented Mr. Antony Hewish. Throughout many years of experience, with great mastery, he offered a juicy and interesting explanation about the origin and future of the universe.

Jon Urrujulegi, Iñaki Azkune, Mari Luisa Aizpuru and Pantxoa Etxegoin.

The act began at seven and nine in the afternoon the room was empty, guilty of hunger. With some food and drink, more than a hundred people gathered, among Basque and Navarrese politicians, members of cultural institutions, the media and, of course, protagonists; on the one hand, the founders of Elhuyar and those who continue today. Both were trapped in a pleasant tertulia and because of the silver wedding, between the croquette and the croquette, they took time to offer a few words to the magazine.

Josu Jon Imaz, Julian Beloki and Jose Ramon Beloki.

Pedro Miguel Etxenike believes that the future of today's society will be fixed by science. Therefore, if the Basque language needs to live, it will also have to live in science. “I don’t like to hear so much that Basque is able to talk about physics and technology. That is evident. Science and Basque have no problem, we have to work and Elhuyar has done it.” Roman Sudupe, Deputy General of Gipuzkoa, congratulated Elhuyar also for his work in the science of Basque, since he has broken the path of contacting any language.

Josu Jon Imaz, a former chemist at Elhuyar, also had something to say: “As a member of Elhuyar, a collaborator, it is not easy to be partial. If we want to build a village there are two main axes. Culture, Euskera, the branch that represents identity and technology, science, the branch of competitiveness that brings us today. Elhuyar has tied both branches.”

Joseba Atxotegi and Joan Mari Irigoien.

The director of “Euskaldunon Egunkaria”, Martxelo Otamendi, also did not miss the appointment and gave us his opinion: “For many years Elhuyar has been very deteriorated and has been a pioneer in the fields of science and technology. These 25 years have shown that such initiatives have an enormous strategic value and that, depending on their importance, they must be attended to and supported. People who are looking for help should play with the same ball as others on the soccer field and not with which it seems to be punched at intervals.”

The tertulia continued with the renewal of the magazine Berriketak, the croquette in the left hand and the cup in the right, with the excuse that 25 years ago began to work science in Basque. In the end we see ourselves at the golden wedding…