Laptop with GPS
2004/01/01 Elhuyar Zientzia Iturria: Elhuyar aldizkaria

A telecommunications engineer from the Public University of Navarra has developed an application for laptops that uses the GPS positioning system. The GPS system (Global Positioning System) is a satellite positioning system that is used to locate something or someone on Earth. However, in this case, the system engineer has developed the system to be located in a smaller area, locating the user on the Arrosadía campus.
Specifically, this PDA or laptop, depending on the location of the user, reports the vegetation of the Arrosadía campus. To do this, the application developed by Miguel Campoy makes a translation of the global position coordinates of the Earth to the premises.
There is no doubt that the engineer has achieved a suitable application for guided tours, since in addition to information on vegetation, the PDA can display any other information on screen.

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