
Clear human eye

2001/05/01 Elhuyar Zientzia Iturria: Elhuyar aldizkaria

About 30% of patients with meningitis die, while around 4% rise completely. The bacteria that cause meningitis kill the hair cells of the inner ear and cause deep deafness in childhood. A doctor at the University of Southampton believes that eye color can be a good indicator of how your ear will react to bacterial infection.

As is known, the polymer that gives black or dark color to the eyes is melanin and, according to Helen Cullington, the high content of melanin in the inner ear protects the hair cells. However, the doctor says there is still a lot to study. The relationship between the color of the eyes and the bark may be due to another. For example, there may be a certain relationship between the genes responsible for eye color and inflammation prior to infection.

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