
Gulf War Syndrome

1997/04/01 Elhuyar Zientzia Iturria: Elhuyar aldizkaria

Thousands of soldiers who participated in the war against Iraq have suffered serious health suffering and damage.

After the Persian Gulf war, many U.S. soldiers have been ill for the past few years. They say that in the archives of the local army there are documents explaining the causes of diseases, but they have been hidden for safety reasons. However, according to a report, researchers are close to clarifying what these causes are.

According to a report published by the Washington DC Institute of Medicine, U.S. troops misuse and inadequate drugs during the Gulf War. Consequently, in the future, the army must implement specific health programmes for each unit.

Thousands of soldiers who participated in the war against Iraq have suffered serious health suffering and damage. The Gulf syndrome, therefore, can be considered as true and not as an invention, as they have wanted to make it believe so far. Chemical weapons, the effects of inoculations, and pesticides are the main causes of the syndrome.

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