
Globo: an invention that turns 219 years old

2002/06/04 Elhuyar Zientzia

In 1783 a hot air balloon ascends to heaven for the first time. The Montgolfier brothers came up with the idea and the first demonstration of their successes took place today, June 4, in Viladon-les-Annonay, France.

The balloon that was built was made with pieces of paper to pack joined by buttons and measured 12 meters. Baptized as Aerostat.

On June 4, a lot of straw and wool was installed in the center of the square. When burning, the balloon was placed above and when blowing with hot air, it rose. It reached an approximate height of 2000 meters and then, after gradually losing the hot air, it landed two kilometers from the square.

The public and the authority surprised the show. From then on, other exhibitions were held. The most famous is the one made on September 19 in the garden of the Palace of Versailles, the first manned flight. Inside the balloon they put a sheep, a rooster and a duck, and they say the three came out well of the trip.

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