Create human gametes from skin cells
2016/04/28 Galarraga Aiestaran, Ana - Elhuyar Zientzia Iturria: Elhuyar aldizkaria

In this method the mixture of certain genes is used for the transformation of adult cells. Specifically, cells have managed to lose half of the chromosomes and be genetic and epigenetic indicators of germ cells.
The ultimate goal is to create sperm or egg cells with genetic characteristics of a person without gamete by transforming skin cells. The researchers have recognized that they are still in their beginnings, but it is an important step. The next step will be to obtain adult gametes, that is, sperm or adult oocytes, to be able to fertilize and develop embryos. These embryos must demonstrate their genetic and epigenetic normality to continue with research, so they consider that the path will be long.
At the moment it has been shown that the method of reprogramming of adult cells is effective. Moreover, they have seen that with the transplant of gametes to mice (xenotransplant) they develop well. The study, conducted in collaboration with the University of Standford (United States), has been published online in the journal Scientifics Reports.

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