
The book project for pharmacists of human physiology wins the Agote Awards

2011/02/01 Elhuyar Zientzia Iturria: Elhuyar aldizkaria

The book project for pharmacists of human physiology wins the Agote Awards
01/02/2011 | Elhuyar
Winners Agote 2010: Oscar Casis, Jon Zarate, Enrique Echevarria and Monica Gallego. Ed. : OEE.

11 has been the project for the writing of the book “Human Physiology for Pharmacists”. Winner of the Agote Awards. The winners were Jon Zarate, Monica Gallego, Enrique Echevarria and Oscar Casis, professors of the School of Pharmacy of the UPV/EHU, and the idea is that the work is published at the end of 2011.

Jon Zarate explained that "the manual of human physiology for students of 2nd Pharmacy will be a similar textbook". The book will expose all physiological systems of the human being (cardiovascular, nervous, etc. ), but "more or less quickly than most textbooks". In fact, the authors saw that books on human physiology are "too deep" for students of Pharmacy, Biology, etc. and "little attractive". On the one hand, the desire to fill this gap, and on the other, the fact that "in Basque there are almost no textbooks", encouraged to present the book project to the Agote prize.

To alleviate the text gap existing in studies in Basque related to the health sciences, the Organization for Euskaldunización de la Salud (OEE) created the Agote Prize. It was founded in tribute to the doctor and vascophile José Antonio Agote Jemein, partner of the OEE since its foundation, who participated and collaborated in all activities and attracted professionals from the environment.

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2011 2011 2011 2011 2011
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Awards; Anatomy/Physiology
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