
Intention to allow transplants of hiv-infected organs in the United States

2013/11/19 Galarraga Aiestaran, Ana - Elhuyar Zientzia Iturria: Elhuyar aldizkaria

In the United States they are about to change the law and, for seropositive receptors, infected organs will also be allowed.

So far, in the United States, as in most countries, the organs infected with the AIDS virus have not been accepted to carry out transplants, that is, the infected people can be receptors of organs but not donors. However, the law is now envisaged and, for seropositive receptors, infected organs will also be allowed.

However, the United States would not be a pioneer, since in the South African Republic the first transplants of infected organs were performed in 2008. Specifically, four patients with AIDS were transplanted with infected kidneys. The results were published in the journal New England Journal of Medicine, where it is explained that all cases were successful. Since then, other transplants of this type have been carried out in the Republic of South Africa.

Based on this experience, the first kidney transplant between two HIV survivors has been performed in Israel this year. According to the doctors, in this case everything has also gone well.

In the United States, in addition to the kidney, they want to carry out transplants of other organs. In fact, according to an article recently published by the specialized journal Current HIV/AIDS Reports, demand for liver transplantation is also increasing. Well, the article is a research study on the subject, which explains that antiretroviril therapy does not allow infected organs to not be transplanted. Now, the articulists have warned that there is something special to avoid rejection and infections.

However, despite obtaining the authorization, it is noted that it may take one year before the transplants begin, since it is necessary to complete the clinical and ethical regulations.

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