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2001/02/20 Elhuyar Zientzia

Climate change is made new by the UN report. There, experts announce a black future. Sudden increase in temperatures, droughts, sea level rise, disasters... cataclysm almost. For some, these are excesses, a way to intimidate people and force authorities to take action. Perhaps yes, change may not be for so long, but better not wait for black predictions to come true and start working right now.

The photographs show a clear retreat from the Andean glacier Qori Kalis. The first dates from 1978 and the second from 2000. It goes back year after year, 155 meters in the last. At the front of the glacier emerged the lagoon in 1983 and in the last two years the lagoon has quadrupled its volume. Today's image is just a sample, as glaciers from all over the world are melting. Without going further, there are those of the Pyrenees.

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