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1998/10/01 Elhuyar Zientzia Iturria: Elhuyar aldizkaria

An article published in a scientific journal has sparked a great debate on dietetics and health. In this article, researcher David McCarron stated that salt is not harmful to health and that the perception of hypertension is wrong. In his opinion, the lack of fruit and vegetables affects hypertension more than salt, but the blame is attributed to salt, so people do not care for their diet. On the other hand, the public health authority also strongly criticized the dissemination of ideas without a scientific basis, provoking their anger. The reaction was sudden and scientists around the world criticized the article saying it has no credibility.

G of St Georges Hospital in London. According to McGregor, research in Portugal and the Netherlands on salt has shown its negative effect, but the article does not mention these investigations. In the United States, for his part, McCarron has denounced that McCarron is related to the food industry and that he wrote the article out of pure interest. In fact, the author did not mention in his article his membership in the Virginia Salt Institute. According to McGregor, the food industry wants to eliminate the bad reputation of salt because in many foods abundant salt is used to flavor.

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