
Development of the brain

2006/06/01 Elhuyar Zientzia Iturria: Elhuyar aldizkaria

Development of the brain
01/06/2006 | Elhuyar
(Photo: MEC)

The brain grows from inside to outside by layers, first forming inner layers and then upper layers following a given order. Each layer is composed of a type of natural neuron, but all are formed from the internal neurons. To achieve this, neurons are divided asymmetrically, that is, when they are formed from one to two, they are not always equal. Now, New York neurologists have wanted to know what it depends on the brain to produce one type of neuron or another.

Time is the key to the decision of the neuron about when the new type of neuron will occur. In fact, in experiments they have discovered that a neuron, the older it is, the less capacity it has to build new neurons inside the brain. With the passage of time, the outer neurons form more easily. This controls the body that the brain has a correct structure, controlling the time of neurons.

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