The large galaxy feeds the small one
2003/08/19 Elhuyar Zientzia

Although the Tadpole galaxy predominates in the photo taken by the Hubble telescope, very close to the left, a small and bright galaxy appears directly related to it. However, no significant data on this link was obtained from the photo taken by Hubble last year. They continued to investigate and using the Hawaii Keck Telescope they could see the movement of stars around the large galaxy.
According to Astronaut, the relationship between these two cosmic objects is that the large galaxy feeds a much smaller galaxy. This galactic couple is located two billion light-years from Earth.
The small galaxy is far from Tadpole's gravity forces and the stars of the small galaxy are dispersed forming an annular sphere around the large galaxy.
Scientists suspected that galaxies fed each other, but it is the first time that images related to this phenomenon are obtained.

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