Too many galaxies
1994/06/01 Elhuyar Zientzia Iturria: Elhuyar aldizkaria
Radio telescopes around the world are exploring the universe and discovering millions of new galaxies. Five times more theoretically calculated galaxies have been found. In addition, according to astronomer Stacy McGaugh of Cambridge University, there may still be much to detect.
Galaxies that are billions of light years away are low luminosity, sometimes less luminous than the “background noise” of darkness. Therefore, in the galaxy catalogues these do not appear, since the tools of enormous sensitivity existing today were not used to complete them.
We must consider that the number of galaxies in the universe is greater than expected. Taking this into account the standard model of evolution of galaxies or general cosmological theories it is not necessary to question. You can also explain where the missing mass is in the universe.

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