The Galapagos Islands are threatened
1995/04/01 Elhuyar Zientzia Iturria: Elhuyar aldizkaria
The paradise Darwin admired is about to be lost. Based on his model, the researcher published the Development Theory and now disproportionate fisheries and the inability to combat it have been threatened by the Galapagos Islands. Environmental and scientific groups around the world have been called upon by their researchers to pressure the Ecuadorian government. Meanwhile, aware of what is happening in the area, are reducing turtles called Isostichopus fuscus, inhabitants of the Islands. In the last 4 years the turtle population has decreased by 10% in the Galapagos Islands.

Environmentalists claim that the way of life of the inhabitants of creatures and islands, which allowed to understand the chain of development, can be lost, although local fishermen say otherwise.
To understand the current situation we must take into account the conflicts between fishermen and government. Under pressure from the former, the government agreed to extend the fishing license for three months. Only in this period 500,000 digits have been captured in the nets, reaching 7 million during the entire fishing season.
By order of the Government, in December ended the fishing season in the Galapagos Islands. The fishermen did not take into account the decision and, in addition to continuing to launch nets, threatened to destroy the turtles. Faced with this situation, the government ordered the ban on fishing for nine months. It was a concerted order with environmental groups and tourism entities. Everyone agrees that the future of the Galapagos Islands is at stake. Meanwhile, the Dordokas escape the Galapagos Islands.

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