
Fractals in coffee with milk

2008/12/01 Elhuyar Zientzia Iturria: Elhuyar aldizkaria

Fractals in coffee with milk
01/12/2008 | Elhuyar
(Photo: M. Shimokawa & S. Ohta)

Drop a drop of coffee in the milk and as the drop is undone creates a fractal drawing. The smaller branches of the drawing will have the same geometric evolution as the entire drawing. Fractals, in general, are common in nature (mathematicians have researched many times), but so far they have never found such fractals anywhere. In the objects created by man yes; specifically, these are images of the Sierpinski carpets. Now, researchers at Kyushu University have discovered the drops of coffee. In addition, they have created the fractal through magnetic liquids. The two photos on the left of the image are of caffeine and those on the right of magnetic liquids.

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