The future generation of FFC or greenhouse gases...
1995/06/01 Elhuyar Zientzia Iturria: Elhuyar aldizkaria

Among the greenhouse gases are predominant the totally fluorized compounds or the FFC. On the contrary, the International Climate Congress held in Berlin in March showed its support for the use of FFC as a substitute for CFCs. If no investigation of these gases is carried out, the researchers have announced that the measures taken to date will be suspended.
The Washington Institute of Resource Research has been studying the characteristics of the FFC for years. The main object of study is the life of these gases, which are more dangerous than is believed. In fact, among greenhouse gases, totally fluorinated compounds are the most difficult to remove. While carbon oxide (IV) has a risk period of 100 years, FFC can remain in the atmosphere for up to 50,000 years.

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