
Hidden oil spills

2002/05/24 Elhuyar Zientzia

Guess what is the main source of oil from the sea? Are tanker accidents spectacular? Or are there other hidden sources of great fluidity?

These questions are answered by an investigation by the US Research Council. And the results are striking. The main source of pollution is not accidents, although they are the most spectacular, but they are much more polluting by human activities on earth.

On the North American coast 110 million liters of oil are poured annually, of which, surprisingly, 59 million come from rivers and streams. The origin is water spilled by roads, industrial waste, urban wastewater and oil refinery waters. Another 6 million liters are discharged by pleasure boats.

Starting to turn the water cycle, we cannot fail to mention rainfall. The latter bring to the seas the pollution emitted to the atmosphere by the engines and the vehicle industry. And it is not a source of slow pollution, bringing 23 million liters of oil into the ocean.

Regarding the impact of these sources of pollution, there is still nothing clear. James M. In the words of researcher Coleman, "we know that large oil spills cause great damage, but the effects of small spills of small spills." The task has only begun, but at least that research will serve to remember that the responsibility is for everyone.

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