
Cannot cut the link

1996/04/01 Elhuyar Zientzia Iturria: Elhuyar aldizkaria

After losing some part of the body, many have pointed out that it feels that part. And if I had only felt it, half bad! Despite their lack, patients often feel pain in arms, feet, or other parts. The prudent reader will say that the origin of pain is psychological and, of course, it is. Recently, researchers have discovered what this relationship between the lost part and the brain consists of. At the moment, the pain could not disappear completely, but it is believed that gradually they will get it.

Researchers at Tenness University have discovered this connection after experimenting with monkeys. First, the researchers found that the nerves in the injured area produced a large proliferation of a certain type of protein. This did not surprise them much, but I did see where that protein was produced. In fact, this protein dominated the nerves between the lost part and the brain. Therefore, it is not very difficult to reach the conclusions: the union between the part and the brain is not completely interrupted; moreover, researchers believe that a new link is created.

The next step in the research will be to analyze how reproduction of this protein occurs from the knowledge of the details of the nervous bond. And then researchers want to go further: create new nervous links.

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