Giant Intranet of the Basque Government
2000/01/01 Elhuyar Zientzia Iturria: Elhuyar aldizkaria
The Basque Government wants to create a giant Intranet that allows administrative management of people and will be available to the public. Intranet is a telecommunications network that connects the computers of a company to each other, making available to the user of the network all the information existing in the company. Information can be obtained from both inside and outside.
The network of the Basque Government will be renamed "Jakina" and will be equipped with a database and an advanced system capable of carrying out operations of official value. This service will allow the user to register on the Etxebide service listings, among others. The will of the Government is that "Jakina" be useful for many administrative services.
The design of this gigantic computer project has taken into account the need to protect information and the latest technologies in the market have been used to prevent the entry of hackers or hackers. The project is part of the project called ZUZENEAN, which aims to open new ways of communication between citizens and the Basque Government.
Additional information is available on phone 012 or on the Government website

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