
Collection of oceanographic studies of the Basque coast

2004/05/04 Roa Zubia, Guillermo - Elhuyar Zientzia

Oceanography and Marine Environment of the Basque Country was presented yesterday at the Aquarium donostiarra.

The book is a collection of research on the sea in Euskal Herria and collects a work of years. In fact, it will be a reference in the field of oceanography and, according to the editors, it will be an example of collection of research from other coasts.

The editors are Angel Borja from AZTI and Michael Collins from Southampton Oceanographic Centre. However, the book includes the work of 62 authors in seven chapters. Although the majority are from AZTI or the University of the Basque Country, researchers from ten institutions participated in the project.

The collection focuses on the history of oceanography, geology, climatology, hydrology, sedimentology, chemistry, microbiology, zoology, ornithology, biodiversity, the environment, etc.

In addition, the book proposes a research agenda to organize the work of the next ten or fifteen years. In fact, the aim of yesterday's act was not only to present the book itself, but to make known a turning point of research. "It seemed like a good time to make a serene reflection on research and organize the work of the future," said AZTI biologist Ángel Borja.

However, the book has been published and, in addition, with the prestigious publishing house Elsevier de Amsterdam.

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