
It rains more on weekends

1998/11/01 Elhuyar Zientzia Iturria: Elhuyar aldizkaria

Although this idea seems foolish, a group of researchers have been able to show that in some regions time makes different on weekends. Cerveny and R. For years, Balling researchers have been studying the influence of natural cycles and human cycles on time, such as the orbits of the Moon or the working hours of human beings. To verify the latter, the meteorological data of the Atlantic Ocean and the Atlantic coast of the USA have been analyzed.

Sometimes human influence can be greater than we think of our environment.

In the Atlantic, as expected, there is no relationship between time and days of the week, but on the coast it rains more than on weekends, 20% more. This phenomenon may be due to pollution, as throughout the week the concentration of carbon monoxide is accumulating due to high emissions of working days and this concentration drops sharply over the weekend. According to researchers, pollution facilitates the creation of coastal clouds.

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