Arrival in the history of the yo-yo
2001/01/12 Elhuyar Zientzia

It is believed that the child toy yo-yo was born in China, but the first references are from the Greek era. For example a. C. C. A painting of about 500 years shows the child playing with yo-yoaz. It is believed that during the years the Greeks used to offer children's gifts to some god and used the yoyo for it. On the other hand, in the Philippines, weapons have been found using the same yoyo mechanism. They also used them to play and hence their name: yo-yo means to come or return.
The following historical mention of the yo-yo comes from India and dates from 1765. At that time the Yo-I travelled from India to Europe and spread mostly among the Scottish, French and English aristocracy. XX. At the beginning of the twentieth century, companies dedicated to the manufacture of yoyos were founded in the United States and became famous yoyo.

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