
Agroclimatic season

2000/08/01 Elhuyar Zientzia Iturria: Elhuyar aldizkaria

In Arazuri has been placed the so-called agroclimatic station. And what is that? It is a station that collects the meteorological data of the area, but that will later use the data for irrigation of the green areas: when and how much.

The station will collect data of precipitation, temperature and humidity of the air, insolation and direction and wind strength. The data will be collected every 20 seconds and sent to the office of "Riegos de Navarra". Subsequently, the data will be processed and made available at the following email address: www.riegosdenavarra.com

All this with the aim of knowing at all times the needs of water in green areas and orchards of the Region of Pamplona.

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