
Statistics in medicine

2000/12/01 Elhuyar Zientzia Iturria: Elhuyar aldizkaria

Some researchers believe that statistics on the physiological behavior of the human body can help predict diseases. For this reason, the National Institute of Health of the United States and the National Research Organization have compiled physiological data such as the cardiac rhythm of thousands of anonymous patients, brain signals or Physionet. Physionet (www.physionet.org) is a website composed basically of thousands of physiological data. The data show arrhythmias, heart defects, apnea, neurological imbalances, etc. that allow doctors to build patterns and predict whether a given person has this disease or has it. According to those responsible for the project, this type of website will accelerate clinical research, since it is not just data collections. Physionet also offers diagnostic services and early detection contests.

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