
Culture of stalactites in computer

2005/02/01 Elhuyar Zientzia Iturria: Elhuyar aldizkaria

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No matter where a stalactite grows; its appearance will not depend on it. In fact, some American physicists have researched this and developed a computer model that explains the growth of stalactites well.

The water generated by the stalactite is dissolved in carbon dioxide and calcium carbonate, components of the limestone. Normally the water loses carbon dioxide, which increases the pH of the water, which causes the precipitation of calcium carbonate, that is, solidification.

Physicists have simulated this process on the computer and compared it to the stalactites in nature. In simulation, the growth of the stalactite depends on the fallen water layer. And this idea has given very good results, since the computer model simulates growth very well.

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