
To capture the space radio signal

2001/10/05 Elhuyar Zientzia

A whole valley of Puerto Rico receives radio signals coming from space.

In 1963 the Arecibo observatory was launched. Original idea William E. He belongs to Professor Gordon of Cornell University in New York State. A whole valley was set up for telescope work. Taking advantage of the shape of this valley, for three years a huge satellite dish was built.

The objective was to capture radio frequencies, so it was essential that the antenna was geometrically perfect. The most spectacular part of the installation is a large reflector of 305 meters, but there are also tools to experiment in the ionosphere.

The initial idea was to investigate the Earth's ionosphere, but soon the space reached great attention for designers. For example, they decided to build near the equator to study also the planets of the solar system.

140 people work at this observatory 24 hours a day. In addition, around 200 scientists visit the city to develop projects of all kinds. Today, scientists at Cornell University exploit the observatory with the economic and professional protection of NSF and NASA.

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