"Common Space": Virtual Reality and Real World United
2000/01/01 Elhuyar Zientzia Iturria: Elhuyar aldizkaria

Virtual Reality is an unbeatable tool for all types of simulations, so this world is slowly entering our daily life, especially in science and work. But today, we have to totally break with reality in order to perform simulations, either because they occur inside computers, or because through glasses and sensors they leave the user totally isolated from the outside. Common Space is a concept that has sought a solution to this problem. The objective is to adapt simulations and images generated by the computer to physical environments in order to enjoy the advantages of virtual reality in our daily life.
Suppose a group of architects meets to analyze a project, each architect will carry a three-dimensional design on a disc and thanks to a hologram located on a table, he will be able to teach his work to others. Other members may make changes to the image, overlay parts of other designs or write notes.
The physical character of the simulation means that there is no distribution between the two worlds and that no interface is necessary to visualize the images.
That certainly seems like a science fiction film, but that will be the next step in adapting Virtual Reality to our needs. And soon.

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