
The Spanish Association of Physics awards Manuel Tello

2011/01/01 Elhuyar Zientzia Iturria: Elhuyar aldizkaria

The Spanish Association of Physics awards Manuel Tello
01/01/2011 | Elhuyar
(Photo: UPV)

Manuel J. Tello, Professor of Condensed Matter Physics and Professor of Innovation at the Faculty of Science and Technology of the UPV/EHU, will receive this year the Physics, Innovation and Technology Award granted by the Spanish Association of Physics for the third consecutive year. The objective of this award is to reward applied research that has led to advances in technological innovation in the field of physics or have promoted applications of this science in companies.

Tello is a pioneer in Experimental Physics of Condensed Matter and has carried out more than 150 research papers on solid state physics. Since 1988, Tello has dedicated much of its effort to innovation, creation and technology transfer.

In the last ten years they have focused on three technological fields. On the one hand, he has worked on the search for thermal barriers for the infrared emission of metals for use in energy, aviation or industrial furnaces; on the other, he has designed high-tech micromugators with high temperature superconductors and, finally, he has made contributions to the preliminary project of the neutron source to be installed in Bizkaia.


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