Forests of temperate regions in danger
1993/02/01 Elhuyar Zientzia Iturria: Elhuyar aldizkaria
We have recently received troubling news about the future of tropical forests. More attention may be paid to distant problems than to the nearest ones, because it is easier to think and set attitudes, since it is known that forests in temperate regions are also disappearing (they are half of the world's forests).
However, this fact does not seem to move so much. If wealth is to be taken into account, temperate and tropical forests do not have so much difference. Because wealth is not a thing of the greater or lesser length of the list of species, but of the formation of an own ecosystem.

Many governments do not want to take up the problem and respond that in the last 50 years the surface of temperate forests has been maintained and partially increased. Although that is true, it is a bet that only serves to hide the real problem. Behind this statistics are the monospecific forests that replace the primitive primitive forest.
In Western Europe the problem is old. Let's say, for example, that in Sweden or Scotland the forest of origin reaches only 1%. But in other territories the phenomenon is more recent. In Chile, for example, 20% of the native forests are of radiata pine or insignis pine, already known in our environment. We know what have been the reasons why the pine has been inserted here and it is not difficult to understand that of Chile.
But with no limits on this profitability, in Siberia, Russia has also begun to exploit their forests and plant other plants. 10 Japanese companies have signed a 5-year contract with Russia and it seems that some other US company is interested in starting the exploitation of the forests of eastern Russia.

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