Paraciences predominate in Russia
1994/05/01 Elhuyar Zientzia Iturria: Elhuyar aldizkaria
For those of us who care about science, what is happening in Russia today is a worrying phenomenon. The people have lost faith in science and have found new belief in the like and pseudosciences. Bumper wedges catch people's attention and there are many machines that are gaining fame. An example of this great influence is the electoral success of Vladimir Jirinoski. And that is the d.K. Kashpirovski, who says he can cure almost everything on television, did it in his favor.
The old regimes were strongly driven by science and technology; the Soviet Union had excellent scientific journalism that sold millions of copies of scientific books and journals. However, with the weakening of the Soviet force its symbols have become despicable. That may be the key.
The flood of parity and pseudoscience is, however, worrying, as it is destroying the strongest fortresses. It has also drowned the prestigious newspaper Izvestia, which has been firm against this trend, with new reports published on a guide tractor that has invented the time machine.
Do not think that we, in Euskal Herria, are better, because there is nothing more to look at the ads stuck in the walls of our streets, how many castaros, talks, events, etc. to see if they offer extravagant and bumpy.

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