They have fallen
2004/09/09 Roa Zubia, Guillermo - Elhuyar Zientzia

Many times things don't go as they should; in astronautics, for example, it's obvious. And yesterday NASA witnessed it.
A probe called Genesis was sent into space to take samples of the wind emitted by the Sun. He had to take samples and bring them to Earth for analysis in NASA laboratories. But the probe should not enter the atmosphere, but should allow the samples to fall into a capsule in the Utah desert. So far the plans were fulfilled.
But the most difficult thing was the atmosphere. The inner equipment of the capsule was very delicate, so astronomers did not want to hit the ground. To avoid this, the capsule had to expand the parachute and receive it from helicopters with long hooks. Difficult, right? That's why they hired Hollywood specialists to capture the capsule.
However, the parachute did not extend. Therefore, if the initial plan was difficult to meet, no parachute was totally impossible.

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