
Orientation of bees

2000/04/01 Elhuyar Zientzia Iturria: Elhuyar aldizkaria

Bees are amazing animals: they are able to leave the hive for food, take a 10 km trip and return home.

The researchers had a common sense in the orientation of bees, but not how they get this ability. In fact, it is difficult for the bee to remain in sight, as they are invisible at a distance of 30 m.

A group of American researchers have linked small signal radars to bees, allowing them to follow the movements of bees in a 700 m region. Although the method is limited, researchers have obtained additional information on the meaning of bee orientation. They leave the hive and circulate in different directions: They repeat between 10 and 300 m and return to the march practically by the same road traveled in the descent. The farther you go, the faster the path, with the same duration.

According to the researchers, these exits are a way to memorize the hive environment.