Neurmanagement neural networks
1999/06/01 Elhuyar Zientzia Iturria: Elhuyar aldizkaria
The COTEC Foundation has recently published its Neural Network Report within the Technology Options collection. Neural networks are new computer techniques that try to reproduce the functioning of the human nervous system. The normal Binary Computing model divides any task into simple binary operations, and calculations are done step by step. However, in some problems, acting this way can cause problems, especially in those tasks that humans and animals perform with great ease. For example, identify the person using the photo or read the handwritten text. These problems have encouraged scientists to follow the brain nervous system model and Neural Network-based systems are increasingly numerous.
According to the study conducted in Spain, neural networks have more and more practical applications. The Isabel II canal that transports water to Madrid, for example, measures the amount of water by sensors and plans its distribution. Repsol has used a system based on neural networks to improve the quality of a polymer. The company El Corte Ingles has used neural networks in the personnel selection system, which consists of collecting information about the person through a questionnaire and automatically selecting the most suitable person when creating the new job. These types of systems are increasingly numerous and have begun to be used in numerous applications.

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