Elhuyar Zientzia, Women's Square
2023/03/08 Elhuyar

On March 8 and every day, topics are addressed in the Elhuyar media from a feminist perspective. On 8 March we also wish to celebrate it by recalling the contents published on 11 February to mark the International Day of Women and Scientific Girls. Giving voice and space to scientists, collecting their contributions and opinions, and creating female referents, because Elhuyar conducts a feminist communication of science every day. Here are a number of contents that prove this:
Elhuyar magazine has been publishing the Ekin section for nine years every month. It reflects the experiences of almost a hundred young researchers and scientists who, for other reasons, are left out. The section has left direct testimonies about the power of science, the lack of recognition of female work, the difficulties encountered along the way and the view of young women.
The TV program Teknopolis focused its attention on the artificial intelligence bias, on 11 February, on the informatics of the UPV/EHU Elena Lazkano and Olatz Arbelaitz. And they showed the system developed by Orai engineers to correct the biases that occur in machine translation through artificial intelligence.
The radio programme Norteko Ferrokarrila organised a round table on the same day. Kristina Zuza, biologist Nadia Conlledo, mathematician Eli Alberdi and physics Verónica González participated. The four women scientists.
Nor can we forget the feminist podcast Ultraviolet Waves. Biweekly and with a sense of humor, it addresses scientific actuality from a feminist perspective. Proof of this is the last session on structural discrimination against women in science and technology.

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