Elhuyar, entirely in the network
2008/05/01 Ansa Maiz, Lurdes - Elhuyar Edizioak Iturria: Elhuyar aldizkaria

In 1976, in the publication Elhuyar, we began to publish articles in Basque for the dissemination of science and technology, which we collected in 3-4 numbers a year and which, like today, covered many and diverse fields: mathematics, chemistry, physics, computer science, astronomy, etc. Our collaborators were professors, students, researchers of the area... and thanks to all of them we began to give shape to the magazine: work the terminology, clarify concepts, perform linguistic corrections, perform tasks of layout, create images and graphics and publish it. These were humble times and with the effort of all we published 3-4 units a year. Little by little we have been providing images, working in the design and giving a monthly periodicity, reaching the current magazine.
But for the work done not to be forgotten, we wanted to gather and put on the net all the articles before becoming a monthly magazine. Taking advantage of the possibilities of the Internet and eliminating the dust of the copies of the library, we have digitized them and placed them in pdf format ( www.elhuyar.org/elhuyar_aldizkaria/ ). We knew many collaborators, I would say we had them, but when we have listed all we have noticed the treasure we have, some known other unknown, some who are still in it and others who have already left those jobs, some who are no longer among us... In total, we have found 61 numbers, 600 articles, about 500 authors and many illusions from 1976 to 1994, and we have worked to make all this your interest and also for you.
"We are because they were," in that we have no doubt and because we are." We would like.

Gai honi buruzko eduki gehiago
Elhuyarrek garatutako teknologia