
Journal frequency will be reduced Elhuyar

2015/03/24 Elhuyar Zientzia Iturria: Elhuyar aldizkaria

From the March issue, the publication frequency of Elhuyar magazine will be reduced. Instead of each month, the paper edition will be published every three months. The following numbers will be in June, September and December.

Elhuyar today announced its decision to reduce the frequency of Elhuyar magazine. For economic reasons, the publication will go from monthly to quarterly. The paper edition will have four issues per year: March, June, September and December.

This has been expressed by Elhuyar in his note published on the web: “In a difficult economic context, in which we are less endowed with resources (reduction of sales and subsidies), it is even more urgent to introduce cuts in Elhuyar magazine, as in other areas of Elhuyar’s activity.” He has also shown his commitment to the magazine Elhuyar Zientzia eta Teknologia, “whatever the support of the publication (paper or internet)”.

Thus, the director of the magazine Elhuyar, Eider Carton, said in the preamble of the March issue that “you can not work on paper through the web and social networks”, and stressed that the team of the magazine Elhuyar will continue to work so that the unsustainability of the number does not affect the quality.

Elhuyar magazine was born in 1986 with the aim of socializing science and technology in Basque. It was published every two months until 1989 and since then every month. The project has a trajectory of thirty years, since it was the first product of Elhuyar in scientific communication. Today, in addition to paper, it disseminates scientific culture through the digital project magazine. With 1,475 subscribers, the website received 23,000 visitors last year.

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