Tail called electricity
2002/02/01 Ares, Felix Iturria: Elhuyar aldizkaria

Atoms are formed by three types of particles: electrons are negative, positive protons and neutrons are neutral.
The charge of the electron is the same as that of the proton, but of opposite sign.
In general, the atom is neutral because it has as many neutrons as electrons, but its loads are usually in different places. Electrons are found outside and protons accumulate in the nucleus.
Being the electrons on the outside, they can be removed from it and that is what we will see, with the help of a balloon and a wool jersey.
Take the balloon and rub it with the wool jersey (see photo 1). Wool removes electrons from an atom of rubber from a globe.
And where do electrons go? The electrons of the globe go to wool and produce two strange things. On the one hand, the balloon gum becomes positive. Note that atoms were neutral because they had the same number of protons and electrons, so if electrons are removed, the result is a positive charge. On the other hand, the opposite happens in wool: the remaining load is negative.

Attraction between different. The balloon is positive and the outer part of your skin has electrons, that is, your skin is negative. Positive + negative: attraction. To test it, place the part of the balloon that you rubbed with the jersey under the hand that you have very widespread.
What happens? The balloon does not fall to the ground (see photo 2). The electric pull force is greater than that of gravity pushing the balloon down.
Why don't you do this experiment with your friends? Will you attract someone?

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Elhuyarrek garatutako teknologia