
The Child is on doors

2002/02/28 Elhuyar Zientzia

Every two or seven years the Pacific climate model is altered and disasters occur for a few months: droughts, floods, pests... The guilt of everything is attributed to El Niño. However, her sister La Niña often follows her, which is not much softer. The last El Niño was in 1997-1998 and caused many deaths and enormous material damage.

To predict the arrival of El Niño, on the one hand, images of satellite currents are collected, and on the other, the system of buoys that was installed for the follow-up of the Child collects data indicating the state of the atmosphere and the sea.

Therefore, the European Space Agency (ESA) has warned of the possibility that El Niño will arrive in the next 3-6 months. Earlier this year, the U.S. Oceanic and Atmospheric Institute (NOAA) expressed the same. Therefore, they are especially attentive in Peru and Chile, since the torrential rains in this situation are between 10 and 40 times more intense than normal. But you should not be too calm elsewhere: Although it begins in the Pacific Child, influence extends to everyone.

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