
Is the storm good for the roe deer?

2003/02/01 Elhuyar Zientzia Iturria: Elhuyar aldizkaria

The large storms that occurred in France in 1999 caused the proliferation of species of low plants in forests, such as breath, scrub and younger oak. They were completed 15% more than in previous years and this year, for example, cover 10% more of the forest area. These plant species feed on the roe deer.

These results are the result of research carried out by Cemagref, in collaboration with the CNRS, who have worked on the consequences of the storms that took place in France in 1999, in the forests of Chizé and Trois Fontaines. According to his study, much more roe is coming to the forests to feed and live. But how long will it last? Until the increase of low plant species, that is, from here to 5-10 years.

Thus, the roe deer will have more difficulty to traverse the forests. It should be noted that the 1999 storms did not seriously affect these animals, although few died after the fall of the trees. Therefore, although for many the storm is very harmful, it has only benefited the roe deer.

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