The altered Sun for 2000
1999/08/01 Elhuyar Zientzia Iturria: Elhuyar aldizkaria

As announced at the last meeting of the American Astronomical Society, in 2000 the activity of the Sun will reach the highest level of its cycle, breaking electric currents, breaking down satellites and causing problems in the media. By mid-year solar scars and storms will increase and the Earth's ionosphere will suffer geomagnetic storms due to the numerous high-load radiation particles.
The American organization Air Force Research Laboratory of New Mexico has assured that solar activity is subject to cycles of 11 years and that the next one will take place between April and June 2000. This phenomenon is due to the inversion of the solar magnetic field, and as a consequence, the flow of particles charged with the name of Solar Wind increases enormously, producing in the ionosphere the phenomena called Aurora Boreal. Charged particles can disrupt satellite and spacecraft radio transmissions and produce large electric currents on the earth's surface that can damage power plant installations.

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